Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Computer issues!

We we have been without a computer for the last couple of days. Why you ask? We have a BUG!!! Apparently, we have several bugs! We thought that we had protection through our service provider but obviously we were wrong. Hopefully we can go and purchase an anti-virus kit tonight. If anyone has suggestions on a good but not so expensive system, please, feel free to share with us! I am just hoping and praying that my pictures have not been infected!! I would be more than bummed if they were all gone!! I've actually been scanning pictures in and have been planning to get my moms pictures and scan them in as well. I guess I don't need to just scan them but actually save them to a disk too!! So an anti-virus kit and disks are on my list for Walmart :o)

Not too much to write about anyway...I have a few blog topics which hopefully I can get to tonight or tomorrow. I hope everyone is having a great week so far!!!

1 comment:

lizzie said...

We have used AVG and it is wonderful great protection and inexpensive.If you have not already bought one check it out.BTW just found your blog "Chick with "cents" and love it.It is good that you are here in Alabama.This has been my second week of couponing and have saved a lot of money.Wish I had done it a lot sooner ~Lizzie from Clay,AL