Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This is a follicle...

Before anyone freaks out, we are not pregnant. The picture you will see below is a follicle. MY follicle to be exact! I had a very interesting visit with the doctor today. Well actually, I never saw the doctor, but I did meet the sweetest, funniest nurse practitioner. She did the tests and gave me the results. This is how the visit went. I will warn you, this post is somewhat PG rated so readers beware! I will try my best to word this post in a way that you can basically just read between the lines :o)

My appointment was at 9:15. Actually, we'll say that it started approximately 2 hours before then, if you get what I'm saying ;o) I went into work 30 minutes early and stayed for an hour. I got to my appointment AT 9:15 exactly! I was immediately called back to have blood taken. First of all, the humor of the little things in these offices is absolutely hilarious! Really helped to ease my nerves! After they took a blood sample, I was sent to my room for the PCT.

I did what I had to do, sat on the table and waited. The NP came in, jotted down some info and then proceeded to begin the tests. She really did ease my nerves...Josh said he could hear me laughing in the waiting room! I told her that I was afraid she was going to find a little person with a machine gun standing outside my uterus shooting all of the little swimmers that came near. She thought that was hilarious and told everyone in the office, ha! So anyway, she first did the PCT (it's like a pap smear)...very painless, very quick! Then she did a vaginal ultrasound. Again, very painless, somewhat quick. She showed me my bladder, then my uterus which by the way, she said I obviously have great estrogen levels b/c the lining of my uterus is perfect..yea! Then she showed me my "photogenic" right ovary! Photogenic!! ha! Let me tell you, she was hilarious and really lightened the mood (which was a big help!) So then we left my photogenic ovary and headed on over to my BEAUTIFUL Follicle! haha!! By this point I had mentioned that I have a blog and many supporters so she insisted on printing a picture for me to post! How sweet was that?! Take a looksee...

So now I know that I have a perfect uterus, a photogenic right ovary and a beautiful follicle on the left side! Great! Now why am I not getting pregnant?? Oh, it's just not as easy as that question is to ask. I honestly think that Josh and I would have rather been told that "ok, this is the problem and this is what we need to do to fix it". Grr...I do have to go back next Wednesday to have my progesterone level checked, and maybe, just maybe I'll get pregnant this cycle. We'll see. If I don't get pregnant this cycle, we'll continue with the tests. The next thing to do is find out if I could possibly have endometriosis. Apparently, you don't have to be in pain to have it. I didn't realize that, but I'm learning a lot through this process.

All in all I've been given lots of "advice" from co-workers, my mom and co-workers of my mom about how to make this happen! ha! I'm just not going to stress about it (easier said than done) and hope for the best!! Who knows, maybe in a couple of weeks I can share with you all a really happy, exciting post!

Thank you all for continuing to keep us in your prayers!! Your support means soo much :o)


Teale said...

Yay! I'm excited for you guys. It's a step forward and that's a good thing! Can't wait to hear more! :)

Crystal said...

That's great news! I'm hoping for that over-the-top post in a couple weeks too. :)

Randal, Belinda and Caylee-Grace said...

I'm so excited for ya'll. Be positive it is going to happen. Can't wait to hear more.

Tracy Bentley said...

I am so gald that everything is fine. just hang in there and the next time we see a picture like this it will be of your special blessing.

Lianna Knight said...

Yeah!!! Great news...and I must admit, that follicle is GORGEOUS :)

Unknown said...

I am praying fervently for you guys! I won't give you any advice because I know sometimes it's frustrating to hear people tell you "just relax" when that's the last thing you feel that you can do. I love you and I hope that you get to experience the adventure of pregnancy VERY soon!

Anonymous said...

I love you and I hope you get some good news fast!

Ruby Claire said...

I am just getting out of the Danger zone.

2 Weeks Pregnant