Monday, August 12, 2013

And...BOOM goes the dynamite! (by Josh)

That's right, we are blowing up the old blog and going with something new and exciting.  Well, definitely new but maybe not exciting.  I mean this is a blog about the happenings in the life of Josh and Amanda.  We don't work for some secret government agency (though, I do wish I did) but we do sometimes have something interesting or funny to say.

Amanda is currently working on her own mini-videos on YouTube, and she is having a blast.  She wants me to do some videos with her...not sure when or if I will.  In the meantime I will be using the blog to do occasional posts about....well, I'm not sure yet.  I'm sure I will touch on our financial goals and how we are getting there, movies and book reviews, and maybe my own take on some of Amanda's video topics.  Speaking of Amanda's videos, for years we have remarked to each other when we say/do something funny that we should cameras filming us all the time. Then we realize that 23 hours 15 minutes of the video would be just us watching TV or talking to our dogs.  But, there would be 45 minutes of pure comedy gold somewhere in all of it. 

Well, I guess that's all for now. OH!!!  I just had an idea! If there are any questions you might have or would like to know what my/our opinion is on money issues, movies, books, TV shows, sports, etc., just ask away.  Until next time.

Josh and

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