Saturday, May 12, 2012

About Mother's Day from "The Messy Middle"...

My friend, Teale, sent me this blog post from The Messy Middle and I literally felt like the author was speaking my thoughts!  It is wonderful for those who are wishing we could celebrate as "mother's" on Mother's Day, those who have lost their children, those struggling with their children and may not feel like the "perfect" mother...those who have issues with their own mothers and those that are just not in a "typical" situation and don't know how to feel on Mother's Day.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I did...



Shohidul Islam said...

I love my mother vary much.
Entertainment News Online

Molly said...

I'm not sure how I randomly stumbled onto your blog, but I just wanted to wish you luck with the infertility--I have PCOS and had to go on fertility treatments, and have written a great deal about it. It's tough, that yearning, so I'm sending you good wishes!