Monday, May 7, 2012

Weight Watchers, Week 1

"Here I go again, on my owowowown!" That song just popped into my head...not necessarily on my own, but here I go AGAIN! I have rejoined Weight Watchers Online and am so excited about it! If you've been reading from the beginning, you know that I joined a few years back and lost 54 lbs in 9 months! I was ecstatic and kept it off for a while, but now I've gained it all back plus some. That's why I've come back...this worked before and it WILL work again!

I did something that I've never done before and made a video documenting my first day...don't laugh if you watch it! I never realized how much I blink and roll my eyes when I talk, lol! It's borderline ridiculous! But anyway, I thought it would be neat to do a weekly video on weigh in day to note my progress and to actually SEE the progress. I always lose weight first in my face, so you'll be able to see the difference once the weight starts coming off too! I'm not comfortable putting my actual weight out there yet, but eventually, I will. Right now I'm just focusing on 5 lbs at a time.

 Here's my "before"...


And my weakness...DONUTS!  These babies are 7 Points Plus for 2...eeekkk!  Moderation, moderation (:

My next blog about WW will be about the mobile app! So, so, so cool! Can't wait to share my experience with it, with you :)


TheHouse said...

We can do this! I'm going to post to support you :) I'm setting a goal to lose 30 lbs before the end of's hoping.

Lori said...

Weight Watchers is a wonderful program that works! When I was 23 I lost 125 lbs on WW and moderate exercise. I did gain some of that back when I met my husband and due to poor choices. Recently to get ready for IVF I lost 30lbs on it and my husband lost about 25 lbs when he found out he was pre-diabetic. When I (fingers crossed) do this IVF and get pregnant and after I deliver, I plan on going right back on it to get back down to a healthy weight. Good luck with it! Cant wait to watch you shrink on video ;)

Teale said...

Donuts are my weakness too. Doesn't help that we live within minutes of Krispy Kreme...ugh!
Chad and I have been using the Lose It app on our phones and have really liked that. It has the barcode scan thingy and most restaurant foods listed. We did WW back in 2006 and had good results then too. Good job on the video! :)